Features & Benefits
- Automatic Variance on Speed and Power
- Dual Shock Absorber Systems
- Field-Replaceable Lower Insert Bushing
- Low Operating Pressure
- Two Tool Retainers
- Minimum Oil Requirements
- Simple and Efficient Design
- Slimline Case Design
- Custom Bracket Caps
- Light Weight
- Quiet Operation
- Single In-body Accumulator
- Fewer Parts

All Indeco breakers have a special intelligent hydraulic system, enabling them to automatically vary the energy and frequency of the blows according to the hardness of the material being demolished. This optimises the hydraulic pressure delivered by the machine, thus improving productivity and enhancing the overall performance.
The use of special low-alloy steels, exclusively manufactured according to Indeco’s own formula greatly lengthens the average working life of the most important breaker components.
All machines which mount Indeco breakers will benefit from the Indeco dual shock-absorption system: an internal hydraulic one and a mechanical one, located outside the body, which substantially reduce the vibrations transmitted to the excavator. The excavator boom is also subject to lower stress levels, as Indeco breakers are considerably lighter under working conditions than rival makes in the same class.
The centralised greasing system enables the sliding parts to remain lubricated even when the breaker is operating horizontally, thus considerably reducing wear and tear on components and extending product lifetime.
The “quick change” interchangeable bushing, which is inserted into the lower tool bushing where the tool moves, reduces maintenance times and costs, by cutting out the long machine downtimes needed to replace the traditional fixed bushing.
Our standard breaker is a super-soundproofed WHISPER version, whose body is lined internally with sound-absorbent material and an “anti-rumble” paint, which – combined with a few modifications to the bushing – enable noise emission levels to be considerably reduced.
Finally, Indeco hydraulic breakers have a characteristically slim well-proportioned structure which makes it possible to work in comparative comfort even under the most difficult of conditions.